Sunday, July 13, 2014

Linecon '14: The Revenge

Anime Expo 2014 Thoughts

This is my 9th Anime Expo, and I thought it was my second least liked Anime Expo . It s always fun to go to & take pictures, but the attendance is getting a bit of an issue.  With about 80,000 in attendance, it was hard to get into most of the day panels. I did enjoy the Mega 64 panel as always with their 10th anniversary teaser aping Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain’s E3 2014 Trailer. 

Another panel I enjoyed was the Production IG Panel, which was mainly a Q&A section. I asked about the status of DreamWorks Ghost in the Shell movie adaptation, and for now they said it was still on going.  (Most likely in Production Hell)  They also talked about Giovanni’s Island, which has been getting quite the buzz in film festival circuits.  They also talked about Oshii being a guest of honor at a film festival in Montreal.

 Another panel I enjoyed was the Anime New Network cast panel, which had hosts Zac Berstchy and Justin Sevakis were they did a live podcast and either gave out a horrid prize or an awesome prize depending on the question or mood.  It was highly entertaining and got me some swag.

I was kind of bummed that the Gametrailers’ Metal Gear Solid timeline panel got cancelled, but not unexpected since their switch of ownership from Viacom to Alloy Digital.  I just wish the Kill La Kill panel didn't require an extra fee because I believe that devalues the pass. I neither saw the Masquerade that I haven’t gone to in years, and instead went with a few friends to Little Tokyo to eat. I honestly had a lot better time maybe because I am becoming older and a bit more cynical.

Honestly, they AX inherited the title of Linecon from Fanime this year due to computer issues, an influx of more people, and poor line management. Plus, the air conditioning wasn't on for a while at one point. I’ll give Anime Expo another shot but if it doesn’t get better next year it may be my last one. I’d still go to meetups for my favorite fandom though. SPJA really needs to get it together in terms of registration as well as traffic control because this ranks as my second worst AX. It’s still miles better than the major mess of 2007 though.

Update 7/18/14: ...and a 100X better than dashcon....

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