Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Metal Gear Solid V Screenshots

Courtesy of Konami

E3 2014 Gallery and thoughts

Dropping the mic and....

Having attended this year's E3 here are my thoughts...

Microsoft: Thank you for actually doing what you said and offered a bright future for the stumbling console, and having a more likable public face in the form of Phil Spencer. I'll definitely pick a One up next year. You have redeemed yourself in the eyes of the core gamer. I hope you guys stay classy for years to come.

Sony: Not bad, but keep the momentum flowing with more first party exclusives. Little Big Planet 3 looked great, and helps you diversify your library, and getting us to know how Order 1886 will play will assure it'll be one of your next big franchises. Blackborne look to be a worthy successor to the Souls franchise. The lack of The Last Guardian was disappointing, but expected. Showing that you do have exclusive perks such as DLC and betas shows that the third party games are the place to be on PS4. The only thing that kind of bugged me was the Powers TV show, the other media Sony has should be kept at a minimum. Don't let it take over your show next year or hell show a teaser of the Metal Gear Solid movie next year.

Nintendo: You gave us what we want and we loved it. I think going with Robot Chicken to animate your webcast was a great choice! Every game you had played on your strengths and you don't need the third party support that Sony and MS have.


Pictures by Marc Dionne